Hosted by Ben Azadi, the founder of Keto Kamp.

This training has previously only been taught in our $3997 Keto Kamp Academy coaching program but you get access to it FREE for a limited time during this Keto Kickstart Challenge.


You’ll get 3 days of actionable, high-value content, the ability to connect with Ben Azadi and the Keto Kamp team, and other like-minded health seekers. 


Discover the secrets to the ketogenic diet, clear up confusion and uncertainty.


If you're tired of yo-yo weight loss results, conflicting nutrition information, or feeling tired all the time, we want to invite you to participate in this free 3 day Keto Kamp Kickstart challenge.


For 3 days we're going to be going live in an exclusive Facebook group to teach our proprietary Ketogenic Diet blueprint that has helped 472 of our personal clients achieve a combined weight loss 5,244 LBS of fat loss !


Each day, we'll teach you one step in the system and then challenge you to TAKE ACTION so you can achieve instant results.



  • The difference between clean keto vs dirty keto
  • Simple keto hacks that reduce inflammation inside the body
  • How to pair intermittent fasting with keto so you can 10x your fat loss results
  • The easiest way to utilize ketosis, no keto flu required (even if you're just starting)
  • How to improve your sleep, mental clarity, energy and focus with clean ketosis



Alina Nazari, Health Coach, Gut Expert & Operations Officer of Keto Kamp Academy 

 Alina is a wife, and mom of two beautiful boys. She lives in Southern California. She has her own pain to purpose story after losing her parents way too young. She is currently studying to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and has been personally mentored by Ben Azadi for almost 3 years. She specializes in...

  • Food Sensitivities
  • Leaky Gut
  • Digestive Issues
  • Emotional/Mental Support
  • Gut Health

Becky Niles, Certified Health Coach & Hormone Expert

Coach Becky started her wellness & lifestyle journey nine years ago on her own personal crusade to fix her deteriorating health. First, she looked at the toxic items she was adding topically to her body and became an essential oil director. As she gravitated toward a natural lifestyle, she went to whole foods Keto. She went back to eliminating foods she reacted poorly to and found herself in a high-fat elimination (carnivore) approach. She has been able to reverse serious health conditions, include autoimmune thyroid conditions she was told could never be reversed!

Coach Becky specializes in...

• Circadian Rhythm/Sleep

• Quantum Diet Cycles

• Anti-inflammatory Practices/Parasympathetic

• Aromatherapy

• Data Tracking


Jonathan Shane, Certified FNTP Specializing in the Ketogenic Diet 

After overcoming an 8 year battle with bulimia and body image issues, he knows the struggles of finding true health and food freedom. He has devoted his life and experience to helping you take control of your health!

Coach Jon specializes in... 

  • Metabolic specialist
  • Women’s hormone specialist 
  • Fitness/endurance coach
  • Reverse Dieting
  • Macros & Tracking


3 Days of Actionable High-Value Content

Each day we'll walk you through one step in our premier 3 steps Keto Kickstart challenge and challenge you to take action on YOUR heaLth. You'll get a clear idea of which foods to eat, which foods to avoid, and how you can implement an intermittent fasting schedule that works for you.

Private Facebook Group

We'll be going LIVE every day and chatting with you in our private challenge Facebook group!

This group will be there for you to not only engage with us and learn new valuable content each day, but for you to post your progress and ask your questions! There's nothing as valuable as an encouraging community and accountability to get you going!

June 10th - June 12th 2024

We know how hard it is to create and keep momentum when working on your health. There's so much noise in the keto space. So we've decided to go live to teach, encourage, and support you every day for a week!

You can start now!

If you want to start blasting fat and getting into ketosis today, check out our Keto Kamp Starter Kit. You'll get information on it right after you sign up for this challenge.

We're teaching the 4 step Ketogenic Diet

blueprint for creating rapid fat loss.

(even while you sleep)


Yo-Yo Dieters

You're tired of losing the weight and having it come back.

Most programs fail because they teach you to lose weight to get healthy. 

This is completely backward. We don't lose weight to get healthy, we get healthy to lose weight.

Being overweight is not the problem, it is the symptom.

Believe me. I hear your worries.

I've been there before, chasing symptoms.

But don't worry, that's where we come in.

We're here to demystify the process of getting started healthy by mastering the keto framework. We're going to give you a step-by-step guide for teaching your body to burn fat instead of sugar.

Confused By Conflicting Nutrition Info

You're confused by the amount of health information on the internet.

These are certainly trying times and as a someone who wants to get healthy, but can't seem to find the right approach for you.

If you're not doing clean keto, you're neglecting one of the most powerful health tools in the shed.

What's stopping you from starting?

You don't know where to start, which foods to eat, which foods to avoid... Is that it?

I see.

You need a guide.

That's where we come in! We're here to walk you through, step-by-step, how to get started with the ketogenic lifestyle - no expertise, prior experience or additional expenses necessary.

Health Seekers

You want to reclaim your health and energy.

I bet you've tried a lot of programs which led to frustration.

Now, you're holding back because you're just not sure exactly how to get started with the right approach.

Well this challenge is not only going to give you the step-by-step process for getting started with keto RIGHT, we're also going to provide the atmosphere you need to get yourself kicked into gear.

If you've been needing motivation to get started, there's nothing better than the supportive, encouraging community this challenge will offer to give you the momentum you need.

""Less than two weeks of cutting out processed sugar and my face is already less puffy and my rosacea has calmed down (also I lost 8 pounds) I might sound a little vain but I'm looking forward to seeing my cheekbones again. Love the Keto Kamp program!!!""

Amy Derry
Keto Kamp Member

""I’m so grateful to be a Keto Kamp member. It took me 20 years to put on all that weight... thought it would take that long to lose it. 18 months of LCHF and the result is AWESOME! I’m thankful Ben Azadi for all of the content you share... it’s changed my life for the better.""

David Donwerth
Keto Kamp Member

""I’m happy to finally report I have lost 50 pounds and my blood sugar is continuing me coming down. Starting Weight: 262 lbs Current Weight: 212 lbs Thank you at Ben Azadi for helping me come up with a way of doing Keto that worked for me..""

Jasmine Bonilla
Keto Kamp Member


We’re doing this 3 day challenge for free to help you during this time. To make it even better, we’ll be giving away keto testing devices, coffee, supplements, real olive oil and other goodies to help you achieve great results.

We will have daily giveaways of the best products from all of our sponsors. Join the challenge to be automatically entered to win over $20,000 in free prizes.


The world is prioritizing their health more than ever… we know YOU want more health and energy. Healthy keto is a powerful way to reset the clock on your fat burning hormones!


  • Burning fat is our birthright. Our cells and hormones thrive when we teach the body to burn fat instead of sugar.
  • Keto is NOT a diet. Keto is a metabolic process which has been around since humans have existed... 2.5 million years!
  • Healthy keto is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation and blast fat..
  • When your body is burning fat and producing ketones, it turns your brain on for mental focus and peak productivity.  
  • Throughout the 3 day challenge, you can sit back and watch our live-streams from the comfort of your home.
  • No gym required. No travel required. Everything will be available to you online via your private Facebook group.
  • Discover how to eat clean keto with the right foods that fuel you up, keep you full, and help to burn belly fat
  • Discover dirty keto foods to avoid so you can accelerate your health and energy.




In 2008, Ben Azadi went through a personal health transformation of shredding 80 pounds of pure fat. Ever since, Ben Azadi, FDN-P, has been on a mission to help 1 billion people live a healthier lifestyle. 

Ben is the author of four best-selling books, Keto Flex, The Perfect Health Booklet, The Intermittent Fasting Cheat Sheet, and The Power of Sleep. Ben has been the go-to source for intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet. 

He is known as 'The Health Detective' because he investigates dysfunction, and he educates, not medicates, to bring the body back to normal function.  Ben is the founder of Keto Kamp; a global brand bringing awareness to ancient healing strategies such as the keto diet and fasting. 

Ben is the host of a top 15 podcast,  The Keto Kamp Podcast which won Keto Podcast of The Year (2022) by The Metabolic Health Summit. Ben has the fast growing Keto Kamp YouTube channel with over 150,000 subscribers, and TikTok channel with over 300,000 subscribers and over 46 million video downloads.

Ben is a keynote speaker who most recently delivered a keynote lecture for Ketocon 2022, and he's been featured in Forbes, LA Weekly, Disrupt Magazine, NY Times Mag, LA Entertainment Weekly and other publications. 

With my colleague, author of The Obesity Code, Dr Jason Fung.

With New York Times best selling author, Ben Greenfield.

Debunking keto with the founder of Bulletproof, Dave Asprey.


You Want a Step-by-Step Guide

You Need Inspiration & Motivation

You Want the Best Keto Strategies


This is for anyone wanting to start a ketogenic lifestyle!  We want to help those frustrated with their health results.

Whether you haven't started yet, you're a complete beginner, or you've been doing keto for years, this challenge is right for you.

This is NOT a lose-weight-quick scheme, a magic key that will allow you to get results without putting in some work.

If your only goal is to lose weight without really working for it, this might not be right for you.

Just click any of the orange buttons on this page and you'll be taken to a sign-up form. Once you enter your name and best email, you'll be entered into the challenge! You'll get an email with a link to the Facebook group along with further instructions.

Just click any of the orange buttons on this page and you'll be taken to a sign-up form. Once you enter your name and best email, you'll be entered into the challenge! All challenge participants will be entered to win on a daily basis. Further details will be in your email after you sign up.

That's okay! Just come for as much of the challenge content as you're able.

If you'd like to have the option to go back and watch all the content from the Challenge, you can purchase a VIP spot for the Challenge. This will give you access to all the recordings along with daily downloadable action guides and more.


WOW! You're about to accept the challenge!

Just enter your name and BEST email here.

If you're having trouble signing up:

1. Try opening this link in a new browser.

2. Make sure you fill out the name and email - those fields are required.

3. Your phone number is NOT required for sign-up. BUT if you provide your phone number, we can text you important updates about the Challenge. If you include your phone number, please include your country code.

4. If you're still having trouble, email [email protected]